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Asta Grudzinskienė

0 per mėn. / 20 viso laikotarpio atsiliep. 10 įvertinimas Įvertinti
Dirbu: Vilnius
Specializacijos: Nauja statyba, Namai, Butai


Aš lengvai randu kalbą su žmonėmis, viską organizuoju iki smulkmenų ir visada randu sprendimą. Kiekvienas Klientas man yra vienodai svarbus, todėl esu pasiruošusi sėkmingai bendradarbiauti ir padėti įgyvendinti visus su nekilnojamuoju turtu susijusius sandorius.

Gal ir Jūs planuojate PARDUOTI arba NUOMOTI savo nekilnojamąjį turtą? O gal norite PIRKTI, bet nepavyksta rasti tinkamo būsto?

Susisiekite, aš visada rasiu laiko Jums ir Jūsų artimiesiems bei padėsiu visais klausimais, susijusiais su nekilnojamuoju turtu.


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Turto vertinimą. Turto draudimą. Matininko paslaugas. Kreditavimo konsultaciją. Bankų nuolaidų kodus perkantiems su paskola, kadangi bendradarbiaujame su bankais.
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Dziaugiuosi, kad pasirinkau bendradarbiavimą su Brokere Asta Grudzinskiene, profesionali, konkreti, labai greitai įvyko pardavimo procesas. Pačios geriausios rekomendacijos
Noriu pasidalinti savo patirtimi ir padėkoti Astai Grudzinskienei.Kai reikėjo pasirinkti NT brokėrį,skaičiau atsiliepimus.Jų buvo įvairių ir buvo sunku apsipręsti.Taip susiklostė aplinkybės,kad susipažinau su Asta Grudzinskiene.Nuoširdus ir šiltas bendravimas.Puikiai išmano savo darbą,Labai operatyvi,konkreti.Informuodavo apie visą pardavimo eigą. Mane labiausiai sužavėjo Astos Grudzinskienės žmogiškumas ir sąžiningumas ne tik pardavėjų atžvilgiu,bei ir pirkėjų. Rekomenduoju Marija
Labai rekomenduoju. Puiki savo srities specialistė, mandagi, taktiška. Jos dėka butas buvo greitai parduotas. Visais formalumais buvo pasirūpinta, puikiai atlikta komunikacija tarp pirkėjo ir pardavėjo.
Labai profesionali, iniciatyvi brokerė, padės išspręsti įvairiausias iškilusias problemas. Rekomenduoju!!!
Puiki savo srities specialistė. Tik pozityvi patirtis ir profesionaliai atliktas darbas nuo pradžios iki pabaigos. Labai atidi detalėms, viską išaiškina iki smulmenų, nepalieka abejonių. Patikimai išsprendė visus klausimus ir butą pardavė net sunkiomis rinkos sąlygomis. Rekomenduoju!
Nijolė ir Evaldas
Puiki brokerė. Paslaugi, labai greitai atsako į iškilusius klausimus. Perkant butą nekilo jokių nesklandumų.
Puiki, labai organizuota, veikli ir kartu žmogiškai bendraujanti, daug padedanti NT agentė - tikrai rekomenduoju!
Asta tarpininkavo parduodant butą ir visas šis procesas praėjo sklandžiai ir sėkmingai. Asta padėjo atsakyti į visus iškilusius klausimus, operatyviai bendravo ir visada palydėdavo gera nuotaika :) Labai rekomenduoju šią profesionalę perkant ar parduodant būstą!
Brokerė Asta puikiai išmananti savo darbą. Su ja malonu bendrauti, lengvą rasti bendrą kalbą ir sprendimus. Visi pardavimo/pirkimo procesai tampa aiškūs. 100% rekomenduoju.
Puiki agentė, kuri itin profesionaliai atlieka savo darbą. Malonus ir šiltas žmogus su kuriuo labai lengva bendrauti. Esame labai dėkingi už gerai atliktą darbą ir suteiktą pagalbą.
Nuostabi, nuoširdi ir nei kiek nesavanaudiška brokerė. Dirba ir bendrauja itin profesionaliai bei šiltai, išlieka nešališka kebliose situacijose ir geba itin operatyviai ir efektyviai jas išspręsti taip, kad visos pusės liktų patenkintos.
Asta yra puikus pavyzdys žmogaus, kuris myli savo darbą :) Visada padarys max. Patars, padės, suras ir pasiūlys tai, kas atitiks lūkesčius. Matosi, kad yra atsidavusi savo darbui
Labai smagu buvo sutikti ir profesionaliai/ maloniai bendrauti su NT brokere Asta. Tai labai aukštos kvalifikacijos savo srities profesionalas ir labai puikus žmogus. Esu labai dėkingas Astai , kad NT pirkimą praėjau be streso, bet su šypsena ir draugišku/ maloniu rankų paspaudimu!
Puiki specialistė. Maloni, paslaugi, lanksti, atsižvelgianti į kliento poreikį. Tik geriausios rekomendacijos.
Geri butai tik Skelbiu.lt geresni
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While supplies last Will not believe your eyes Winner Winning You are a winner You have been selected Avoid spam words that look like shady, spammy, or unethical behavior Bulk email Buy direct Cancel at any time Check or money order Congratulations Confidentiality Cures Dear friend Direct email Direct marketing Hidden charges Human growth hormone Internet marketing Lose weight Mass email Meet singles Multi-level marketing No catch No cost No credit check No fees No gimmick No hidden costs No hidden fees No interest No investment No obligation No purchase necessary No questions asked No strings attached Not junk Notspam Obligation Passwords Requires initial investment Social security number This isn’t a scam This isn’t junk This isn’t spam Undisclosed Unsecured credit Unsecured debt Unsolicited Valium Viagra Vicodin We hate spam Weight loss Xanax Avoid spam words that are jargon or legalese (and everything else) Accept credit cards Ad All new As seen on Bargain Beneficiary Billing Bonus Cards accepted Cash Certified Cheap Claims Clearance Compare rates Credit card offers Deal Debt Discount Fantastic In accordance with laws Income Investment Join millions Lifetime Loans Luxury Marketing solution Message contains Mortgage rates Name brand Offer Online marketing Opt in Pre-approved Quote Rates Refinance Removal Reserves the right Score Search engine Sent in compliance Subject to… Terms and conditions Trial Unlimited Warranty Web traffic Work from home 6 deliverability tips to stay out of the spam folder Here are more strategies for improving email deliverability and making it into your subscribers’ inboxes. 1. Run a spam check Spam checkers scan your email content to check for… well… spamminess. ActiveCampaign runs a Spam Check on every campaign and automation email you create. Our Spam Check tool scans the content of your message and gives you a list of issues that triggered at least one rule for “spamminess.” Because email content can be nuanced — especially when it comes to spam words — Spam Check won’t stop you from sending your email. Plus, Spam Check only scans the content of your message. It doesn’t know anything about the reputation of your domain or the makeup of your list. Learn more about Spam Check in this article. 2. Practice good email list hygiene Good email hygiene means regularly cleaning out inactive email subscribers. How does good list hygiene help your deliverability? If you have a lot of unengaged subscribers, your open rates will be lower Your open rates and engagement rates affect your sender reputation Your sender reputation affects your deliverability Low deliverability means your emails could be marked as spam — no spam words necessary Once you remove unengaged subscribers, keep your remaining list engaged (and your deliverability high) with consistent, high-quality campaigns. How can you clean your email list? Use engagement automations to track who opens your messages (and who ignores them) When a contact hasn’t engaged for 60 days (or the time period that makes sense for you), trigger a “last chance” engagement email Remove contacts who don’t interact with the “last charemove unengaged subscribers, keep your remaining list engaged (and your deliverability high) with consistent, high-quality campaigns. How can you clean your email list? Use engagement automations to track who opens your messages (and who ignores them) When a contact hasn’t engaged for 60 days (or the time period that makes sense for you), trigger a “last chance” engagement email Remove contacts who don’t interact with the “last chance” email campaign You can learn more about how to set up re-engagement emails in this post (And if you use ActiveCampaign, you can set all of this up to run automatically). 3. Don’t break the law The CAN-SPAM Act governs commercial email, aka any email sent by a business trying to promote or sell a product or service. The rules of CAN-SPAM: Don’t use false or misleading information Don’t use a deceptive subject line Tell subscribers where you’re located Give subscribers a simple way to opt out of your emails Honor all opt-outs quickly Penalties for not following the law can add up to $16,000 per email, so it’s important to follow the rules. To learn more about the CAN-SPAM Act, visit the Federal Trade Commission website. 4. Consider a double opt-in To stay un-spammy, only send emails to people who give consent to receive your campaigns. Double opt-in requires new subscribers to verify their email address, so they can’t give you a fake one. A typical double opt-in process looks like this: A potential subscriber visits your website A form on your website offers a lead magnet in exchange for their email address After your new subscriber gives you their email address, they get a confirmation email If they confirm their email address, they get their lead magnet – and have officially gone through double opt-in This helps lower your bounce rate and keep your delivery rates high. 5. Make your emails more engaging The more people who open and engage with your email campaign, the better your sender reputation and deliverability. Two quick tips for creating more engaging emails: Write better subject lines. (If you need some help, check out our subject line generator.) Use segmentation and dynamic content. Serving up different messaging to different recipients can get more contacts to engage with your emails. 7o7s2g59 ctrblog9 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase when brands offer personalized experiences. Here’s how dynamic content personalizes your emails. 6. Be smart about your cold email marketing Cold email marketing promotes your business, product, or service to someone that you don’t have an existing relationship with. People who receive your email marketing expect your emails because they have opted in. No one signs up to receive cold emails, so you need to make sure your cold email marketing is: Targeted Personalized Relevant 1-to-1 o4pn9j22o email types1 This is the difference between cold email marketing and email marketing spam. Unlike typical email marketing to opted-in contacts, you can’t blast cold emails to a list of prospects. If you do, you’re not sending cold emails. You’re sending spam. You can’t blast cold emails to a list of prospects. If you do, you’re not sending cold emails. You’re sending spam.KLICK UM ZU TWEETEN Conclusion: Spam words and avoiding spam filters You’re not sending spam on purpose. I trust you. But a spam filter can still snatch your email before it can land in your subscriber’s inbox. Here’s a recap of spam words and phrases to use with caution: Words that make exaggerated claims and promises Words that create unnecessary urgency and pressure Words that look like shady, spammy, or unethical behavior Words that are jargon or legalese Avoid spam words and keep your deliverability high with the tips in this post, and you’ll be well on your way to steering clear of spam filters. Avatar RACHEL BURNS Never miss an update Email Address Sign up Other posts to check out The Guide to A/B Testing in 2022 (with Examples and Strategies) When a visitor arrives on your site, it’s your responsibility to provide an excellent experience — both because it’s your job and because it’s the best way to drive conversions.... Exploring Email Marketing's Database Sync ActiveCampaign Email Marketing users have long been able to easily import a list of subscribers using a .csv file or a simple copy and paste method. But what happens if your... 30 Customer Experience Statistics That Deserve Your Undivided Attention Southwest Airlines invests in the customer experience by first investing in its employees. Ranked as one of the best places to work, the airline focuses on building a team-based work... Authentic Automation: Putting the “Custom” Back in Customer Experience This post was contributed by Joe Kerns, co-founder of MAJiK Marketing Supporting you at every customer touchpoint REACH Email Templates Email Newsletter Create Forms Pop Up Builder Lead Generation NURTURE Conversational Marketing Facebook Advertising Social Media Advertising Lead Tracking Software Wordpress CONVERT & GROW Sales Platform Sales Analytics Lead Scoring Attribution Software Salesforce ECOMMERCE Ecommerce Marketing Ecommerce Personalization Shopping Cart Abandonment Shopify WooCommerce CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE AUTOMATION Email Marketing Automation Marketing Automation Sales Automation Sales Engagement Service & Support OMNI-CHANNEL MARKETING Landing Pages Live Chat SMS Marketing Social Media Marketing Web Personalization Transactional Email GETTING STARTED & RESOURCES Get Started 1:1 Strategy Session Community Events Help Resources Product Updates Marketing Glossary Blog APPS & INTEGRATIONS Integration Marketplace Developer Center Free Tools Automation Recipes BECOME A PARTNER Agency & Reseller Affiliate ISV & Developer ABOUT ACTIVECAMPAIGN Why ActiveCampaign How We Compare Customer Stories Careers FAQ Newsroom LEARN MORE Contact Us Request a Demo Free Trial Pricing English Français ActiveCampaign, Inc. BBB Business Review Legal Center Privacy Policy Search SearchSearchAfter spending hours creating an email marketing campaign, the last thing you want to do is get blocked by your recipients’ spam filters. Luckily, by avoiding common email spam trigger words, you can successfully prevent your emails from getting routed to spam folders. Click here to download our free beginner's guide to email marketing. Let’s take a look at what spam trigger words are, what gets emails sent to spam, and which spam words you should avoid when creating your email campaigns. Spam Trigger Words Spam trigger words are phrases that email providers flag as fraudulent and malicious. When they identify these emails, they then route them away from recipients’ inboxes. These words and phrases typically overpromise a positive outcome with the goal of getting sensitive information from the recipient. Spam filters can be triggered for a variety of reasons, causing your email to skip recipients' inboxes and land straight in their spam inbox. One of the easiest ways to avoid spam filters is by carefully choosing the words you use in your email's subject line. Trigger words are known to cause problems and increase the chances of your email getting caught in a spam trap. By avoiding these words in your email subject lines, you can dramatically increase your chances of getting beyond the filters. Spam trigger words alone aren’t enough to send your email to spam. For instance, if you are offering a 3-for-1 discount sale, you can still advertise that in your emails and not get sent to spam. It’s important to understand all the factors that come into play when emails get identified as spam. What causes emails to go to spam? Email providers look for a number of factors when deciding whether to automatically send your emails to spam. If you’ve made it on an email blacklist, that means you’ve repeatedly sent emails to recipients who haven’t signed up for your email list. Your emails can get sent to spam if you: Don’t include an unsubscribe button in your email Send poorly-designed emails with broken or glitchy code Address your recipient by “my friend” or “dear” (or not by their name) Buy email lists online and mass-send messages to email addresses that don’t exist (resulting in a high bounce rate) Use all-caps text and extreme punctuation (!!!!! or ?????) Include strangely formatted fonts (
Marius Tavoras
Didelis ačiū Astai už atliktą darbą! Tai puiki savo srities specialistė, visada su šypsena, lengvai, profesionaliai bendraujanti, mėgstanti savo darbą ir svarbiausia - atliko darbą 100 proc. Labai džiaugiuosi, kad kreipiausi į Astą, nes niekuom nereikėjo rūpintis man pačiai. Rekomenduoju parduodant ar nuomojant nekilnojamąjį turtą, rinktis Astą - nenusivilsite!
Didelis ačiū Astai už atliktą darbą
Didelis ačiū Astai už atliktą darbą
Viskas puiku, niekuo nereikėjo rūpintis pačiai, viskas atlikta nuo A iki Z.