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Capital Real Estate office Vilniaus m.
Nekilnojamojo turto brokeris

Lina Matukienė

0 per mėn. / 5 viso laikotarpio atsiliep. 10 įvertinimas Įvertinti
Dirbu: Vilnius, Vilniaus raj, Širvintų raj., Grigiškės, Elektrėnai, Ukmergė
Specializacijos: Nauja statyba, Namai, Butai
10 (5 įvertino)
BUYING Dear Lina, It is a real pleasure to work with you! Appreciate your efforts and extremely professional skills! Taking into account that our case was super complex (buying of home with lease agreement on land and credit payments), we are grateful a lot for your patience and valuable support of our deal! We would definitely recommend you as a great assistant for our friends and colleagues. Best regards, Natallia and Andrei. Warm greeting from Belarus to Lithuania!
Natallia Krutsko
Puiki specialistė, turi daug žinių ir patirties. Galime rekomenduoti visais klausimais susijusiais su NT. 2024 balandžio m.
Tomek Pilecki
Edita Trimone NUOMOJIMAS I am confident to say that Lina is one of the best real estate professional’s, that I had a chance to work with. Her work ethics and ability to get you the best outcome in the process are exceptional. You can trust Lina all the way in the process, proactive, diligent and responsible, who I would highly recommend!
Edita Trimone
Lina atsakingai ir kruopščiai atliko savo darbą. Visi kilę klausimai buvo greitai iśspręsti. Be to, Lina - labai puikus žmogus. Nuoširdžiai rekomenduoju.
Ruta Ko
Dėkojame Linai už pagalbą kiekviename žingsnyje visame pirkimo procese. Profesionali NT brokerė.
Mikhail Kazanouski